Jacques Rudolph cover drive (Wikipedia)
“And Head of the Heard plays a glorious cover drive to reach his maiden century. Surely there are many more ahead of him in what promises to be a glittering career…”
I am a cricket fan and, in my dreams, I often score centuries in a Brian Lara or Ian Bell style.
Unfortunately, they are only in my dreams and so the closest I will ever get to scoring 100 is in my blogging. While it isn’t exactly cricket, I am ever so proud to write this, my 100th blog post about raising a bilingual family in Curitiba, Brazil.
Unfortunately, now that I am a dad, it is practically impossible for me to watch a whole day’s play of cricket match, never mind the whole 5 days of a test match. And then there’s the fact that any decent match will be one of a series of 5. This means that I have to make do with the highlights, which in all honesty can be better that watching live when England are involved.
The same is no doubt true of you, dear reader. I am sure you don’t have the time to go trawling through all of the last 100 posts I have written, so I decided to package what I consider to be the best of them in my own edited highlights.
1. The Most Important Word – I describe how Mr. T learned a word to describe a colour, a mood, a style of music and probably the best football team in the entire history of the world.

…and 100! (MarcelGermain)
2. Another Reason to Speak English – There are many reasons to try to bring up a bilingual child, but I hadn’t thought about this one until I read about it somewhere else.
3. 2 Words Are Better than 1 – Mr. T shows the first signs of developing his language skills.
4. Question Time? – Talking to babies/toddlers is basically just asking a series of unanswered questions.
5. What Are Books For? – Not just for reading.
6. Free the Feet – Now that the weather is starting to get warmer again we might just be able to free them more often.
7. Grudge Cabinet – We all have one. Unfortunately I think Mr. T’s might have grown somewhat since I wrote this.
100 Reais (markhillary)
8. I Hate Scuffers – I had a lot of fun writing this one. It merges together aspects of my own childhood as well as my son’s.
9. Should you Come to the World Cup? – Did you realise we are having the world cup next year in Brazil? Are you coming?
10. The Oncoming Storm – This is probably my favourite single piece because it involves Dr. Who and Mr. T. What’s not to like?
Of course having a celebration all on your own is pretty boring so I thought I would also invite some of the bloggers who have been important in teaching me how to blog, or those that I just enjoy reading. I think my blog falls into 3 different categories; dad blogger, multilingual parent blogger, blogging about Brazil.
Brazil Bloggers
A Brazilian Operating in this Area – a great blog by a Brazilian journalist who lives and studies in London. He always has a refreshing viewpoint on Brazilian current affairs.
Andrew Downie’s Brazil Blog – this is written by a foreign correspondent who lives in Brazil and writes about everything to do with the country. He is sometimes called a Brazil hater, but I reckon he is just the friend that Brazil needs.
Born Again Brazilian – an American woman who went to Brazil and was born all over again, not necessarily religiously but as a person.
A Taste of Brazil – some wonderful writing all about Brazilian food.
Rachel’s Rantings – great writing about the day-to-day life on an American woman living in Rio.

100 (Ryan Christopher VanWilliams – NYC)
Dad Bloggers
Ask Your Dad – funny and warm writing about being a dad who doesn’t know the answers.
Dork Daddy – anything and everything nerdy or dorky and daddy.
Snoozing on the Sofa – some of my favourite dadtime stories are on this blog.
Modern Father Online – He is an Aussie but still claims to be modern. Who’d have thunk it?
Lunar Baboon – Always funny.
Multilingual Parents Bloggers
Expat Since Birth – How many languages can one family speak and still stay sane? Go to this brilliant blog to find out.
European Mama – A great Polish writer living with her German husband in Holland with their three kids.
Dads the Way I Like It – What do you get if you call a French/English/Welsh speaking Scots/Irishman living in Wales?
Bilingual Monkeys – One of the first blogs I read about raising bilingual kids and still gives me great inspiration.
Multicultural Kid Blogs – A place where parents of kids from all over the world can come together to try to build a better future.